
AP Statistics “Best Practices” 2014

Last week, I arrived home after 8 days in Kansas City, where I participated in the AP Statstics Exam reading. It’s hard work, filled with long days of grading papers. But all the readers seem to take some sadistic delight in this work, and the professional connections made through the week are outstanding.

One of the highlights of the week is Best Practices Night, organized by my friend Adam Shrager. This year, 20 or so different folks presented 5-minute looks into their classrooms.  Below are summaries of some of my personal favorites. You can check out all of the presentations on Jason Molesky’s StatsMonkey site


You’ll find that AP Stats teachers enjoy candy….too much so at times my doctor tells me. Last year, Kevin shared his data collection activity with stomp rockets.  This year, Kevin upped the ante, with an activity where students launch Gummy Bears, Gummy Worms and other candies using catapults.  Which type of candy flies farthest? What can we say about the consistancy of the launches? I’m looking to incorporate this into my 9th grade class as an introduction to variability and estimation.


Kevin’s presentation on the StatsMonkey site is Keynote. I have converted it here to Powerpoint for us non-Keynote users.


Stats teachers have many data collection activities in their arsenal, but this idea from Brianna wins the prize for most off-beat concept. In this activity, students are asked to estimate life expectancy in a population. To collect data, the class uses something readily avilable every day: the obituaries. This presentation was one of the clear highlights of the evening, with many in attendance wondering what a class taught by the hysterically entertaining Brianna would be like!  Visit StatsMonkey for her activity worksheet, and use the dead as data!


Jigsaw puzzles make for great reviews in just about any math class.  Here, Christine shares puzzles she uses to review the Normal Distribution. Cut out the pieces, find the probabilities and solve the puzzle!  Template included.


Paul is part of the AP Stats Test Development Committee, and always has great ideas for the Stats Classroom. At the reading, Paul shared his sampling activity, using Air Gun ammo of different colors (and slightly different sizes) to draw small samples from a large population. Using a paddle made from pegboard, random samples can be drawn, leading to a first discussion on inference. Paul promises to share the plans for building your own sampling paddle, so check back on StatsMonkey often!

UPDATE: Paul’s presentation has been uploaded to the StatsMonkey Site, along with plans for making your own sampling paddles.


I appreciate presentations where speakers attempt to de-tangle a tricky concept in math class. Having students move beyond a “canned” understanding of the coefficient of determination and towards a real understanding of predictive improvement based on an explanatory variable is a worthwhile lesson. In his activity, Doug Tyson challenges students to grab as many Starburst candies (see…I told you Stats folks like cnady) as possible in their hand, then examines the predictive value of using hand size to estimate the number of grabbed candies.  How much are our predictions improved by thinking about hand size, as opposed to thinking about the mean?

There’s so much more sharing goodness on the StatsMonkey site, including:

  • A review of Geddit, for formative assessment
  • A QR code scavenger hunt
  • Hershey Kisses and Confident Intervals, which I used in my class this year

Soon, I will post more resources shared by Chris Franklin, who gave a brief history of stats education during her Professional Night presentation.

High School Middle School Statistics

Estimation and Anchoring

A recent post by my Stats-teacher friend Anthony, “Wisdom of the Crowd“, reminded me of an estimation activity I have used many times in my 9th grade Stats class.  The activity is based on a chapter from John Allen Paulos’ book A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper.

You’ll need two groups of students; 2 different classes will do.  Each student uses an index card or a scrap of paper to write responses to 2 survey questions. I warn the students beforehand that the questions may seem strange: just do your best to answer as best you can.

  • Question 1: Do you believe the population of Argentina is MORE or LESS than 10 million people?
  • Question 2: Estimate the population of Argentina.

Allow a few moments between the questions for the inevitable blank stares and mumbling.  Then collect the responses.

For the second group, you will ask the same two questions, except that the first question will replace 10 million with 50 million.  After you have data from both groups, write it on the board or print it and hand it out. It’s time to analyze and compare. Challenge students to communicate thoughts about center and spread. Also, which group’s data do they feel does a better job of estimating question 2?  It’s a neat activity, and while you will receive some strange responses as estimates, and students will generally guess higher on question 2 if they have been anchored to the 50 million number.  Some guidelines for this activity are avilable.  Have fun!

According to Google, the actual population of Argentina is around 41 million.